Who Is Mobility Care For?
Mobility Care is for anyone who is living with reduced mobility and may need some assistance in completing day-to-day tasks on their own. Perhaps you’re using a wheelchair or remain in bed while you’re recovering from a fall or an illness, or you’re living with a neurological or joint condition? Regardless of the circumstances, Helping Hands can support you to regain as much mobility as possible while remaining living in your own home.
Our carers can support you on a visiting or a live-in basis and will encourage you to achieve increased mobility wherever possible, all the while caring for your needs and supporting you to live your life to the fullest in your beloved home.
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Mobility issues are particularly common as we age, and a lot of people find that their mobility is adversely affected the older they get. Unfortunately, we often tend to become less active as we age too, sometimes due to fears about falling, which can then have a ‘vicious circle’ effect on our mobility as a whole.
As our loved ones become less mobile it can be tempting to do things for them, rather than encouraging them to try and improve their mobility in small ways; this is understandable when you love someone but encouraging them to take a few steps or to do some other exercise would often be of wider benefit.
Decreased mobility can also be due to muscle weakness, pain, or joint problems, and when living with such conditions it is understandable that someone is reluctant to move, especially when they’ve managed to become comfortable. Ideally, we would all be as active as possible before we become older, as this would help to prevent some of the causes of decreased mobility later on in life.
However, we are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles and this can therefore have a knock-on effect the older we get. Trying to achieve some level of activity every day, even if it’s only walking around the house or garden, can make us less reluctant to be active as we age, and your carer will be a huge supporter of helping you to stay as active as possible while encouraging your independence as much as they can.
What Are the Benefits of Mobility Care?
Having a carer supporting you with your mobility in your own home can be highly beneficial to your daily life. This is because they will always encourage you to be as independent as possible, rather than automatically doing everything for you.
This means you have as high a level of autonomy as you want in your care, always remaining at the centre of your decision-making and planning. There will always be days when you are feeling more able to be active than others and having your carer with you whenever you’re feeling less able to manage means you will still be properly cared for on those days when you may want to stay in bed or make use of your mobility aids.
When the weather’s nice you may enjoy the thought of going out into the local community, with your carer supporting you in any way they can, or you may prefer to stay closer to home; examining the flowers in your garden, or planting some seedlings with your carer’s help.
Helping Hands carers are also highly trained on the practicalities of your mobility care, such as using hoisting equipment, wheelchairs and other mobility aids. This ensures that even if you are unable to get out of bed unassisted, you can still be mobilised if you wish and enjoy everything that your home and community has to offer.
How Can Mobility Care Help?
Mobility care doesn’t just support you physically, it can have mental wellbeing benefits too. If you are unable to get out of bed without support for instance, family members may not be willing or able to support you, due to the risks to yours and their own health by moving someone incorrectly.
Your professionally trained Helping Hands carer, however, will be able to support you fully with the use of correct equipment; having learnt techniques that will keep both you and them safe throughout the manoeuvre.
Consequently, you are able to leave your bed or chair and enjoy everything your home offers you, whether that’s preparing yourself some food, going out into your garden or walking to the front gate to talk to neighbours. This increase in your independence will naturally improve your emotional wellbeing as you will have a more active daily life, as well as improving your mobility levels and the ongoing benefits this will offer.
Arranging Mobility Care
If you would like to discuss mobility care for either yourself or a loved one, please talk to our friendly and knowledgeable customer care specialists today. They are available seven days a week for your convenience, or alternatively you can contact us via our website, and we’ll be happy to call you back.
Page reviewed by Jackie Geary, Regional Clinical Lead on November 11, 2021