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Sylvia by the Sea

4.8 on
3,450+ reviews
Posted on 15th October 2024.

Sylvia has been a treasured member of the Helping Hands family since March this year; we love supporting her from our Durham branch. Sylvia is one for nostalgia and loves reflecting on her youth and days gone by. We thought exploring Sylvia’s favourite sites with her would be a great idea to enjoy the day and talk about her many memories. Here at Helping Hands, we’re all about getting to know our customers well so we’re not just carers, but friends.

Sylvia wasted no time in showing off her favourite places to her new carers, including the Ramside Club where she is often seen hitting the golf course. We accompany her to coffee shops and garden centres and her favourite haunts from her childhood.

Most recently, Sylvia’s carers accompanied her to the beautiful Seaham beach in County Durham where Sylvia and her carers alike enjoyed the sunny day. On days when the weather isn’t as favourable, Sylvia and her carers often enjoy jigsaws and other games to spend time on those rainy days. Going out for hot chocolate and cake is another of Sylvia’s regular outings.

While Sylvia’s family often spend time with her, sometimes they need a day to put their feet up from caregiving. Our carers are prepared to step in and take Sylvia out for the day, enjoying each other’s company and offering full support whenever needed.

Our respite care is perfect for families like Sylvia’s. It’s designed to offer a temporary break so family members or primary caregivers can have time off to jet off on holiday or nurse an illness. Whatever the reason, our respite care is there to have your back. Hearing about how much Sylvia enjoys her days out around Durham is a great example of the positive ways a Helping Hands carer can make in someone’s day-to-day life.

Hannah Blackmore
About Hannah Hannah joined Helping Hands in February 2024 as a Content Writer where she enjoys writing blogs, care advice pages and campaign work. She has a degree in Archaeology and Ancient History and previously worked as a professional archaeologist. Hannah hopes to one day become a published author and enjoys solo travel, film and TV, history, fitness and writing.