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CQC & CIW Regulated
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Industry leading carer training
Posted on 26th July 2017.

All Helping Hands customers’ needs are assessed by us, including any changes needed in the home environment.

After all, our homes are our kingdoms and we want to help you keep it that way.

It is important that we ensure a safe home and that you have all the equipment needed to maintain independence in the home. We work with our customers, social services and occupational therapists to gauge, advise and gain access to equipment.

In complex health care cases, we are also instrumental in helping our customers and their families plan room layouts and even extensions that are submitted for planning permission. Our aim is to make home care living achievable, finding innovative ways of moving around a space whilst maximising independence.

Home adaptations for spinal cord injury

Tracey was a fit young woman until a fall in her teens when she suffered a complete spinal cord injury, leaving her paralysed. Her mum looked after her care needs for many years, but Tracey has now formalised her care, gained Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding. Now her spinal injury care plan is fully supported by Helping Hands.

Tracey’s medical needs are complex, involving stoma care, urostomy care, pressure area care and aid in movement including hoisting. But this doesn’t stop her from living a full and varied life.

Helping Hands’ registered nurse team regularly works with the local hospital to aid transition from hospital to home, reducing hospital stay length and, through our nursing-led care, we are able to replicate the care she would receive at hospital. Tracey is determined to get back home to her own bed as quickly as possible.

With the help of Helping Hands, Tracey’s home has been adapted with a tracking hoist from bed to bathroom – a simple change that has made the world of difference.

Need more information?

We’re here seven days a week to talk through your home care needs and find the best option for you. Call 03300376958, or send us a message and we’ll call you.

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally